Saturday, February 22, 2014

Team USA... What went wrong??

The US mens hockey team ran out of steam in the Olympics when they needed it most. They were shutout against Canada, after scoring  20 goals in the previous 4 games. It does not seem possible: such a strong, powerful team who breezed through the the previous rounds, all of a sudden being shutout. The Canadian team does deserve credit for a wonderful game.  To add to the shock, the US team was again shutout in the bronze medal game against Finland. But this time, they didn't allow just one goal. They were shut down by a score of 5-0. The Finnish played a very strong game, but the US contributed to the win themselves, allowing 2 power play goals. The US got into big penalty trouble in the third period, aw the frustration settled upon them. So why?? Why did the US fall flat on their faces?? It's impossible to know for sure. Perhaps, they just overworked themselves. They played their best players right out of the gates of the tournament. Maybe by the last two, most important games, they were simply exhausted. They didn't have the power to push their way to gold, silver, or even bronze. Another reason was their lack of discipline. Penalties played a huge role in the decrease of the power of the team. The men failed to strike hard like in their previous games, and as a result, the better teams won. Canada and Finland deserved to defeat the Stars and Stripes. It would not have been fair for the US to win the bronze over a Finnish team full of determination and power, a real yearning to win. Finland  worked hard thought the tournament, and no amount of complaint and excuses from the US team could change the fact that the better team DID in fact win. So, for the US it's back to drawing board. Better luck next time.